I was expecting a typical "excuse for women to get flowers" or "a commercialized holiday" and was ready to roll with that! I'll take the extra sweet answer though.
So every year the Aussie and I say "no gifts" and every year we sneak around each other for weeks trying to accomplish our secret little gifts for each other to show we care. We both try not to spend too much on each other, but I enjoy spending time creating something for him. I typically break out my craft supplies and come up with something new and fun to express my love and what our relationship means.
One year I made:
Lovers Coupons... who doesn't love coupons! |
All home made and tailored to our relationship |
and of course with a picture of us <3 it is Valentines Day after all. You can order a custom made coupon book here
It's the little things that keep the fun in our relationship Its so easy in the hustle and bustle of the everyday world to forget to take time to enjoy each other as husband and wife.
I've even made a bouquet of condoms to send to his work. So while all of the men were sending flowers and the girls were oo-ing and ah-ing over their flowers, I won the "cool wife" title.
Every year I make chocolate dipped stuffed strawberries for him as well. That always puts a smile on his face! I'll upload a how to on that when we get closer to the big day!
Its not all about the physical stuff don't worry :) Last year I got him tickets to see Blue Man Group too. This year however, I fear I may be stumped... well for now at least. What are some creative and fun ways to show the special someone in your life that you appreciate and want to celebrate them?
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